Applications for recreational marihuana opened Friday. The state told Crain's that 52 came in on the first day.

A handful of applicants have already been prequalified — the first step of a two-part process that involves a background check and basic vetting. One of those approvals was for an applicant who qualified for the state's social equity program.
[Andrew Brisbo, executive director of the Marijuana Regulatory Agency], said he expects the first license to be issued before the end of November and adult-use retail sales to start by the end of the first quarter next year.
If you're one of the lucky people in an area that has not opted out you need to get your application in now. The interaction between local state and federal government in marihuana law makes things complicated so the absolute best option to navigate these waters is to call our firm. If you are looking for more general information, come to our seminar on 11/15 at 7pm.